10 Resume Tips for Law School Applications

10 Resume Tips for Law School Applications

Posted by on Apr 18, 2016 in Law School Posts

Too many applicants see their resume as an item to check off the list in preparing their law school application.  Don’t be one of them! Here are top ten DO’s and DON’Ts for polishing your resume to a brilliant shine. [Want expert feedback on your admissions profile? Get a free evaluation on Admit.me!] 1. Put […]

Top 5 DO’s and DON’Ts of College Admissions for Parents

Top 5 DO’s and DON’Ts of College Admissions for Parents

Posted by on Apr 8, 2016 in College Posts

Junior year is on the horizon for your daughter or son, and you are ready to get the ball rolling.  Things can start getting hectic pretty quickly once the application season hits, so start sorting things out early on to keep your pace and, yes, your sanity. Here are our top five Do’s and Don’ts for helping […]

I’ve Been Waitlisted by Law Schools – Now What?

I’ve Been Waitlisted by Law Schools – Now What?

Posted by on Apr 4, 2016 in Law School Posts

Nothing is more aggravating for an hopeful law applicant than receiving a waitlist letter from her dream school.  A rejection letter at least closes the door, but a waitlist letter seems to leave an indefinite opening, or at least until August.   But don’t despair just yet! Many applicants have successfully launched off of the […]

8 Ways to Prepare for Law School during Early Years in College

8 Ways to Prepare for Law School during Early Years in College

Posted by on Mar 2, 2016 in Law School Posts

  As a law school admissions expert, I often receive questions from undergraduate students who want to know what our secret formula for success is. Should I join 10+ clubs in college? Should I major in Philosophy to demonstrate logical thinking and writing skills? Should I take that prestigious internship on Capitol Hill? Study abroad to […]