Raising Your ACT Score: Do’s and Don’ts
This post was written by our friends at Magoosh Test Prep. Once you register for the ACT, the clock starts ticking. Whether you have six weeks or six months, you can’t afford to waste your time with ineffective prep materials. But how can you know which materials to trust—and, what’s more, how to use them […]

10 Tips for Smooth-Sailing on ACT Test Day
This post originally appeared on the Magoosh ACT blog. It’s ACT test day! You’ve studied thoroughly, reviewed key resources (like a math problem or two from Magoosh’s free ACT eBook) and have packed your backpack with your sharpest #2 pencils. You’re aiming for a good ACT score, but really, you just want to get through […]

Breaking Down Financial Aid
This post has been provided by our friends at Carrington College. Students who need additional funding for their college education have a number of options available. The following infographic explains the requirements you may need to meet in order to obtain possible scholarships, grants, and student loans. Academic Requirements Scholarships & Grants: Generally speaking, scholarships […]

9 Tips to Improve Your ACT Score—With Friends!
This post was contributed by our friends at Magoosh Test Prep. Often, it feels like ACT prep is designed only for self-study. But you don’t have to be a lone wolf to get a good ACT score. There are many fun, social ways to build up those ACT skills with friends. Here are some tips: Tip […]

10 SAT Tips You’ve Been Chasing
#10. Pick a date and stick with it! Commit to a test date and a preparation plan and stick to it. Everyone feels nervous in the days leading up to the test, putting it off will only prolong and amplify the anxiety. #9. Your test preparation will take twice as long as you thought. Pretty much […]

5 Questions Transfer Applicants Should Consider
Looking to pursue your four-year degree after completing your associates? Are things not going quite the way you planned at your current university? Are you returning back to school following a long break? Here are a few questions to consider as you navigate the transfer application process. 1. How is the transfer process […]

Why an Ivy League May Not Be Your Best Choice
Let me tell you a story of my husband Eric to help illustrate my point. Eric has traveled the world for work. First as a twenty-something entrepreneur pitching to small pharma companies and then as a thirty-something entrepreneur pitching to ed tech companies. For those of us who don’t have quite as many stamps in […]

6 Tips for Reducing College Costs
Saving on the cost of college is important – if you don’t believe me, just check out the statistics. According to the College Board, the total cost of just one year at a four-year, in-state, public institution costs an average of $18,943. If you’re thinking about private school, make that $42,419. To counter the hefty price tag, students […]

This Week in #CollegeApps II
If you’re filling out your college application and you don’t Tweet about it–did you really fill it out? We thought not. The Admit.me team is LIVING for your #collegeapps tweets. Here’s the best of the best from this week: #10: When you realize your childhood is RAPIDLY coming to a close: Looking at all of […]

This Week in #CollegeApps
Bring on the tears! It’s almost application season. Good thing we can all find solace on Twitter… Here are the tweets that spoke to us on a spiritual level this week: #7: On being a privileged millennial: i didn't realize how boring my life was until i tried to write a college essay — […]